the voice
Our work draws primarily from the philosophy and teaching methodologies of the Roy Hart Theatre, which is based on a history of more than 80 years of research, study, and practice of the human voice without boundaries.
Ivan Midderigh is founding member of the theatre, who - as a performing artist and voice coach for over forty years - recognized the potential impact this work could have in the world beyond the theatre. He has created a rigorous methodology and structured series of exercises to challenge the habitual ways in which people communicate, becoming one of the first to bring the disciplines of the theatre into the world of international business and the corporate stage.
Ivan focuses on developing in his clients the essential tools of human interaction: voice, body, and imagination.
“Most people know what they want to express, but they don’t know how to go about it.”
We challenge the voice and push through perceived vocal limitations in order to unlock the performance potential of our participants.
“We are born with a voice which is the most extraordinary instrument we have with us all the time, one that reflects our state of mind, our dreams, our longings, and tells others about us through its specific quality. ”
We coach you to listen first to your own voice, and by extension yourself, without judgement. You will then understand how to apply this new mindset to listening to others.
Experience communication without judgement.
“It is an education of the personality through the voice.”
the breath and the body
The breath is the conduit of the voice. The voice is the expression of the self to the world.
To inspire: to breathe in, originally used of supernatural beings in the sense to ‘impart a truth or idea to someone.’
To express: to breathe out, to convey a thought or feeling in words.
The breath also connects the mind and the body. The body is the anchor to the present moment. When the mind is adrift in thoughts of the past or the future, focusing on intentional breathing allows us to pull the mind into the present.
Combining breathing and stretching techniques from different practices, we enable people to rediscover the natural rhythm of breath and its necessary connection to movement and voice. We use our knowledge and experience to help people discover how to connect to their bodies and breathe with intention.
Our breath and body work leads to an in-depth understanding of what it means to be fully present, relaxed, and unrestricted.
the stories
AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP derives from a leader's awareness and knowledge of their own self-history.
Storytelling is an art. Leaders who tell great stories are as inspiring as their stories are memorable. Our stories honour our past and transport us into all the possibility of the future. When we show others our most authentic selves, through our stories, we find our common humanity. And we can lead people with our voice, wherever we dream for them.
Our life experiences and the stories we tell about them define who we are, how we interact with the world, and how we engage with other people.
When we understand a person’s stories, we understand who they are.
In witnessing a person reveal their self through storytelling, we experience who they are on a profoundly human level, beyond titles or appearances.
So it is that, through the sharing of stories, the deepest, most genuine human connections are forged and fostered.
We coach people to uncover, explore, and craft their most resonant stories, integrating the voice, breath, and body to expand the impact of their storytelling.
“The heart, soul, and body hunger for deep expressions – of joy, yearning, grief, ecstasy, pain, uncertainty, purpose. This vocal journey thrives on listening, searching, play, risk and ultimately, the discovery of form and ease.”