Curious? Here are some of our favourite books to inspire you…
the Roy Hart Theatre
Roy Hart Theatre: A Personal Recollection, Volume I, by Ivan Midderigh (available here)
Roy Hart Theatre at Malérargues, by Ian Magilton (available here)
Dark Voices, by Noah Pikes (available here)
The Mystery Behind the Voice, by Sheila Braggins (available here)
Roy Hart, by Kevin Crawford and Bernadette Sweeney (available here)
A Little Book of Voice, by Ralf Peters (available here)
Voix de l’Inouï, par Marianne Ginsbourger (disponible ici)
VOICE & Presence
Alexander Technique in the Actor’s Life, by Kate Kelly (available here)
Singing with Your Own Voice, by Orlanda Cook (available here)
The Right to Speak: Working With the Voice, by Patsy Rodenburg (available here)
The Need for Words, by Patsy Rodenburg (available here)
The Actor Speaks: Voice and the Performer, by Patsy Rodenburg (available here)
The Story Factor: Inspiration, Influence and Persuasion Through the Art of Storytelling, by Annette Simmons (available here)
In Your Own Voice: Using Life Stories to Develop Writing Skills, by Bernard Selling (available here)
The Leader’s Guide to Storytelling: Mastering the Art and Discipline of Business Narrative, by Stephen Denning (available here)
Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences, by Nancy Duarte (available here)