unified teams
individual stars drive collective SUCCESS
“Highly effective companies now look at leadership as a team effort that requires leaders to work together, complement each other, and function as a team.”
What it means to be an OPEN office
What if that meant something more than just the absence of physical partitions and how workspaces are arranged?
A workplace of equality, empowerment, and engagement. A place where people look forward to being every day.
a stage
Where teams work: galvanized, supportive, with leaders capable of stepping into and out of the spotlight.
a home
Where individuals show up and are present, expressive, heard, and seen.
a center
For leaders who are aware, curious, inspiring, and loyal to their people and to the organization.
A truly OPEN office.
vox populi
what past participants have experienced
“Barriers disappeared, we are more confident, open, sincere, real.”
“There was an amazing collective shift. Bright eyes, more voices are heard. People became more relaxed, opened, happy, loving. Some of them even began to be more self-confident.”
“Doing this work together brought an incredibly great feeling of belonging to something big and had an immense team building effect. Communication became more close and warm, people smile more often and give hugs. For new people it was a great induction to feel valuable as part of the team. A new way of relating based on trust and love was founded.”