Power of story
the art of storytelling
At the Centre Artistique International Roy Hart, home of the Roy Hart Theatre, in the Cévennes hills of southern France. 18-23 July 2023.
Photo © Didier Monge 2020, all rights reserved.
DATES: 18-23 July, 2023
HOURS: 36 (09:30-12:30 & 14:30-18:00 with 30-min break)
PRICE: 540 € (tax included)
LEVEL: Open to all
LANGUAGE: English with French translation as necessary. No minimum requirement.
The program
We will be working with body, breath and voice to teach storytelling, presentation, and active communications skills.
Enhanced emotional intelligence, increased confidence, and authentic presence are the outcome.
The program is 100% experiential.
Our teaching and coaching approach is structured and non-hierarchical.
Through a structured series of exercises, combining the disciplines of the Roy Hart Theatre voice, body, and imagination work, this workshop with Ivan Midderigh and Siobhán McCann will draw out the individual’s inherent communication skills and serve as an introduction to the art of Signature Storytelling. Participants will embark on a ‘River of Life’ journey to explore their personal experience, uncover their origin stories, and embody them, in order to tell them with presence and vocal confidence. The mornings will be focused on voice and body work and the afternoons on stories and the art of storytelling.
The concept of authenticity derives from the ancient Greek philosophy γνῶθι σεαυτόν: "know thyself." So we understand that authentic leadership is born from the commitment to the lifelong practice of self-reflection in pursuit of self-awareness. Through familiarity with their own life stories authentic leaders develop the capacity to make values-based decisions with confidence. They continually develop their emotional intelligence in service of more human workplaces. - Siobhán McCann
Engaging the vehicle of the voice and through the medium of storytelling we guide people to uncover and connect with their core life experiences, values, and belief systems in order to embody their full performance potential for maximal impact, wellness, fulfillment, and success.
Our Power of Story program is designed with humans in mind, to uncover and give expression and voice to the life experiences that have contributed to the beliefs and values they embody as leaders in the world, in order to engage with, motivate, and inspire the people they lead to live into whatever they dream for them.
The workshop will be taught in English with translation into French if needed.*
“From the beginning of history, human life and leadership have been centered on stories—the stories of our past, who we are today, and what we may yet become. Telling stories and listening to other people’s stories shapes the meaning of our experiences and helps us awaken hidden capacity.”
Pouvoir de l’histoire
l’art de la narration orale
Pour la première fois au Centre Artistique International Roy Hart, dans les Cévennes du sud de la France
Photo © Ivan Midderigh 2020, tous droits réservés..
DATES: 18-23 juillet 2023
HEURSE:36 h (09h30 - 12h30 & 14h30 - 18h00 avec une pause de 30 m)
PRIX: 540 € (taxes inclus)
NIVEAU: Ouvert à tous
LANGUE D’ENSEIGNEMENT: Anglais avec traduction française possible.
Nous travaillons avec corps, respiration et voix pour enseigner l’art de la narration, la présentation et la communication active.
Intelligence émotionnelle accrue, confiance augmentée et présence authentique en résultent.
Le programme est 100% experientiel.
Notre approche est structurée et non hiérarchique.
À travers une série structurée d’exercices combinant les disciplines du travail de la voix, du corps, et de l’imagination du Roy Hart Theatre, cette formation avec Ivan Midderigh et Siobhán McCann mettra en avant les aptitudes intrinsèques en communication de l’individu et servira d’introduction à l’art du : Signature Storytelling. Les stagiaires embarqueront dans un voyage d’exploration sur leur Fleuve de la Vie et apprendront à creuser leurs expériences personnelles, à découvrir leurs histoires d’origine et à les incarner afin de les raconter avec présence et confiance vocale. Chaque matin, les participants mèneront un travail corporel et vocal et l’après-midi, ils se concentreront sur les histoires et l’art du storytelling.
Langue d’enseignement: Anglais avec traduction française possible.**
“Leaders are capable of deep listening: Gandhi demonstrated that when he traveled throughout India learning the heart of his people. What distinguishes leaders... is that they find a voice that allows them to articulate the common dream.”
*Please note that unlike our other Midderigh Vox programs, the Power of Story workshop is run under the banner of the Roy Hart International Artistic Centre (CAIRH) and the fee charged by the centre covers tuition only. Upon registration here you will be offered the option to request accommodation on-site for an additional fee. All workshop participants housed on-site will have access to communal kitchens where food can be stored and meals prepared. Catering services are not provided by the centre. Should you have questions, special requests or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
**Contrairement à nos autres programmes, le stage Pouvoir de l’Histoire est organisé sous la bannière du Centre Artistique International Roy Hart (CAIRH) et les frais facturés par le centre couvrent uniquement les frais de scolarité. Lors de votre inscription ici, vous aurez la possibilité de demander un hébergement sur place moyennant des frais supplémentaires. Tous les stagiaires hébergés sur place ont accès aux cuisines communes pour la préparation des repas. Aucun service de restauration n’est offert par le centre. Si vous avez des questions, des demandes particulières ou des préoccupations, n'hésitez pas à nous envoyer un message.