Neal allen
my work
A spiritual coach and writer based in Northern California, Neal Allen focuses on taming the inner critic.
His 2021 book Shapes of Truth: Discover God Inside You offers a new path to self-realization. Neal studied under the late Swami Prem Amitabh (Fritz Perls, Carl Rogers, Osho), Hameed Ali (A.H. Almaas, Diamond Heart), and various Buddhist and Hindu teachers, and talks about only those methods that encouraged his own freedom. He holds master’s degrees in Eastern Classics and Political Science, and a bachelor’s degree in Western Classics. He is a certified executive coach through the UC Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute. He is married to the writer Anne Lamott.
Neal believes that self-realization is mostly a path of destruction: getting rid of the defenses and letting the light flow in on its own. His workshops and 1:1 coaching programs offer simple techniques that with repetition can move the critical voice away from your ears. His methods have been endorsed by such luminaries as Jack Kornfield, Mirabai Starr, Duncan Trussell, and Sharon Salzberg.
Neal is a native English speaker.
““Neal Allen offers simple and deep ways to find your inner wisdom and refresh your spirit. These teachings and practices bring you back to your inner gifts and best self.” ”